FREE CALL 1800 236 801
Suppliers of premium quality industrial fasteners

Why Clients Choose Us

  • "ECF is our sole supplier of fasteners. I have never felt the need to investigate other suppliers because ECF meets all our needs with competitive pricing, very high quality product and excellent customer service.

    Even though we are well outside the CBD, deliveries from ECF are always overnight. Not many companies can achieve that.

    We source custom fasteners from ECF that we incorporate into our flooring systems and we supply the whole package to our clients. So we rely on ECF as a partner to add value to our offering. We have never been disappointed.

    Everyone at ECF is accessible and very personable, including Bob and Paul. They are always happy to talk to us, giving us feedback and information.

    If they don't know the answer to something, they know who does!"
    Steel Floor Specialist 26th August 2014
  • "I've been dealing with ECF personally for about ten years. They are very easy to deal with and have a fast delivery service.

    Our plumbing products use standard fixings, brackets and screws but the best piping in the world is no good if it doesn't attach properly to the wall so ECF is an important partner to us.

    Once, we had a problem finding the right 1/8 drill bits. ECF gave us a few samples to use for testing. Our guys loved the solution ECF found for us.

    ECF has always been very reliable in product supply. I can't remember the last time they were out of stock.

    We are very happy with them and have no hesitation in recommending them."
    Plumbing Supplier 26th August 2014
  • "Our company in Central NSW supplies toilet and shower cubicles to commercial and industrial sites around Australia. We provide a modular solution complete with fasteners, partitioning and everything needed for assembly and installation.

    We have been dealing with ECF for the past five years and I'm very happy with them. ECF has been excellent at obtaining samples for us to trial, managing supply in huge quantities according to our specifications and deadlines and maintaining high quality and competitive pricing.

    I believe in sticking with businesses that have looked after us in the past. I would have to have a really good reason to work with another fastener supplier because working with ECF has been very easy.

    I've referred other companies to ECF as well, without hesitation."
    Commercial Bathroom Fitouts 26th August 2014
  • "The service provided by ECF is second to none. Their pricing is excellent, delivery is speedy and every person at ECF gives personalised, customer-focused service in every way it is a pleasure to do business with ECF.

    I'm from a fastener background myself it's a very crowded market but it's not hard to see the difference between a mediocre supplier and an excellent one.

    When I first took on this role the company dealt with a supplier who I would say was 'very difficult'. We located ECF through a simple search it has been a joy to deal with them.

    Product that we have had made to order is kept by ECF as part of their standard offering for us. We really appreciate being able to guarantee that we can get what we need, when we need it."
    Window & Door Specialist 26th August 2014
  • "We have been dealing with ECF for about 18 years, starting with bits and pieces and developing into a significant amount of business with them, sourcing large quantities of very specific parts that are essential in the heating units we manufacture.

    Through an extremely good working relationship with ECF we have developed and consolidated a good supply chain here and overseas for the fasteners, sockets, flanges and feeders.

    These are very specialised items and ECF went to a lot of trouble to find the right suppliers for us.

    ECF has given us fast turnaround times, supply without delays and consistently good quality control.

    Excellent face-to-face service from ECF has eliminated the need for a long trail of emails and correspondence with overseas suppliers and ensures that our requirements are fully met."
    Hot Water Manufacturer 26th August 2014